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Government Information Guide

This guide includes all the other government information guides.

U.S. Presidents in their Own Words

Public Papers of the Presidents (in print) can be found on the 5th floor of the library (Docs Ref J80.A283) for Presidents Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, (George H.W.) Bush, Clinton, (George W.) Bush, and Obama.  

Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt can be found on the library's 4th floor (E806.R749).

A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1902 can be found on the library's 3rd floor (J81.B96 1907). This title can also be accessed electronically through the U.S. Congressional Serial Set.

Denison Libraries, 100 W College, Granville, Ohio 43023
Phone: 740-587-6235, email:
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