The Denison Map Room contains 7.5 minute and the 15 minute topographic maps for the state of Ohio. These maps are both current and historic. In addition many of the map resources on other pages of this guide contain access to Ohio maps. If you do not find what you need here please consult with a Reference Librarian.
The Department of Transportation provides online maps that cover many aspects of transportation within the state. This page includes links to Ohio transportation maps from 1913. Also provided are the Ohio Rail Guide, ODOT Drivers Guide, variety of base maps, and G.I.S. data.
Getting ready to travel? You might want to check out Buckeye Traffic. This site provides an Ohio map with the option to add road construction information, weather related highway problems, etc. You can also check out the images from the Traffic Cameras.
Denison Libraries, 100 W College, Granville, Ohio 43023
Phone: 740-587-6235, email:
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