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Digital Tools

A guide to useful digital tools for the classroom

Adobe Aero

Adobe Aero is a powerful new augmented reality (AR) authoring tool that makes it easier to create immersive content.



Hushuhu, the first woman shaman of the Yawanawa uses VR like medicine to open a portal to another way of knowing. AWAVENA is a collaboration between a community and an artist, melding technology and transcendent experience so that a vision can be shared, and a story told of a people ascending from the edge of extinction.

Using a technology that the Yawanawa feel enables them to share their story and visions, this immersive work presents flourescent and bioluminescent specimens in previously unseen colors from the forest world, to create a vivid, luminous vision.

Google Virtual Tours



With HoloTour, you can explore the beauty and history of Rome or uncover the hidden secrets of Machu Picchu.

Effortlessly move and look around your real world to naturally interact with the elements of the tour. Immerse yourself with a unique combination of 360-degree video, spatial sound, and holographic scenery that creates a very real sense of presence: you’ll believe that you’re really there! 

Melissa, your personal tour guide, will also be there every step of the way. Her expert insight and fun attitude always provides a fresh perspective on your surroundings, taking you to impossible heights or stepping back in time to give you a tour unlike any other.

This application requires a Windows Mixed Reality-ready PC and immersive headset, or Microsoft HoloLens.

ImmerseMe for Language Learning

This is a tool that you use to practice and improve your fluency in a real-life scenario, without feeling self-conscious in front of a native speaker.

Virtual Labs

Virtual Speech App

A Virtual Walking Tour: The Alhambra

VR Apps - Courtesy of U of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

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