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Digital Tools

A guide to useful digital tools for the classroom

Adobe Spark!

Spark logoAdobe Spark allows you to create graphics, web pages and video stories quickly. Denison has an Adobe Creative Cloud site license that allows Adobe Creative  Cloud applications to be installed on any Denison-owned computer. It also includes a number of named user licenses to be distributed for faculty and staff use. For more information see MyDenison->Information Technology Services->Adobe Creative Cloud


Adobe Dreamweaver

 Adobe Dreamweaver is a web development program. Denison has an Adobe Creative Cloud site license that allows Adobe Creative  Cloud applications to be installed on any Denison-owned computer. It also includes a number of named user licenses to be distributed for faculty and staff use. For more information see MyDenison->Information Technology Services->Adobe Creative Cloud

Google Sites

Google Sites logoGoogle Sites is an easy way to create websites.

Denison Wordpress Blogs

Denison Libraries, 100 W College, Granville, Ohio 43023
Phone: 740-587-6235, email:
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