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W101: Writing and Human Rights: Library Catalogs


Use these catalogs to find materials such as books, audio and video, government documents, and more ...

Library of Congress (LC) Classification System

LC Call Numbers Classification- Check out the letters and titles of the main classes of the Library of Congress Classification.

Where's my book?- Use this detailed floor guide to help locate your book in the Denison University Library, or for quick reference, consult the chart below:

Call numbers: Floor #:
A - F 4
G - N 3
     M (musical scores) Presidents' Room (1st Floor)
     ML (except oversized) Music Reading Room (3rd Floor)
     Oversized N Fine Arts Reading Room (3rd Floor)
P 2
Q - Z Level B

Denison Libraries, 100 W College, Granville, Ohio 43023
Phone: 740-587-6235, email:
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