I’m the Humanities and Queer Studies librarian at Denison. I have degrees in English and Information Sciences, but I’m curious about everything! I’m originally from Ohio, but I’ve lived all over the country because I enjoy learning about other cultures.
Professionally, I'm interested in compassionate management and leadership, mindfulness in libraries, and collection analysis. Personally, I’m very interested in mental and physical health and wellness. So you might find me at the gym, in a yoga class, meditating or practicing mindfulness, hiking, biking, or riding a horse. I love coffee and often hang out at coffee houses, reading and writing. At home, I like to cook, bake, play guitar, do woodworking, and snuggle my two cats.
Denison Libraries, 100 W College, Granville, Ohio 43023
Phone: 740-587-6235, email: reference@denison.edu
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