Index of arts & humanities journals, plus individually selected items from leading science and social sciences journals.
Off Campus Access: Authenticate with your MyDenison login. and all the numbers on the back of your ID.
Subject Areas: Art, Asian Studies, Cinema, Classics, Dance, Black Studies, English, French, German, U.S. History, History, International Studies, Latin American & Caribbean Studies, Music, Philosophy, Queer Studies, Religion, Spanish, Theatre, Women's Studies
Arts and Humanities Citation Index (ISI Web of Science) provides access to current and retrospective bibliographic information and cited references found in the world's leading arts & humanities journals, plus individually selected, relevant items from the world's leading science and social sciences journals.
ISI Citation Databases are multidisciplinary databases of bibliographic information gathered from thousands of scholarly journals. It is indexed so that you can search for specific articles by subject, author, journal, and/or author address. Because the information stored about each article includes the article's cited reference list (often called its bibliography), you can also search the databases for articles that cite a known author or work.
Provides indexing and abstracts from books and journals of philosophy and related fields, 1967 to present.
Off Campus Access: Authenticate with your MyDenison login.
Subject Areas: Philosophy, People, Religion, Asian Studies, Classics
The Philosopher's Index provides indexing and abstracts from books and journals of philosophy and related fields. It covers the areas of ethics, aesthetics, social philosophy, political philosophy, epistemology, and metaphysics, as well as material on the philosophy of law, religion, science, history, education, and language.
Format: Index to Journal Articles Dates of Coverage: 1967 to present Database Producer: EBSCO
Comprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy maintained by the community of philosophers. Please note, PhilPapers is an index database with some full text links. Not all papers in PhilPapers have full text links.
Off Campus Access: Authenticate with your MyDenison login.
Subject Areas: Philosophy
Please note, PhilPapers is an index database with some full text links. Not all papers in PhilPapers have full text links.
PhilPapers is a comprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy maintained by the community of philosophers. Using advanced trawling techniques and large scale crowdsourcing, PhilPapers monitors all sources of research content in philosophy.
Using advanced trawling techniques and large scale crowdsourcing, PhilPapers monitors all sources of research content in philosophy, including journals, books, open access archives, and personal pages maintained by academics. Please note, not all articles found in PhilPapers have full text downloads. If you have trouble using this resource, please contact us.
This publisher also hosts the largest open access archive in philosophy.
Covers world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, and philosophy.
Off Campus Access: Authenticate with your MyDenison login.
Subject Areas: Religion, Philosophy, Asian Studies
Religion and Philosophy Collection covers such topics as world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy and the history of philosophy. With over 290 full text journals and unparalleled coverage of the subject areas, the Religion & Philosophy Collection is an essential tool for researchers and students of theology and philosophical studies.
Format: Index to Journal Articles
Update Schedule: Weekly.
Database Producer: EBSCO Publishing.
Most popular full text online database at Denison. Please note, Artstor is now a part of JSTOR. Looking for ways to use Artstor in JSTOR? Visit Artstor on JSTOR Guides.
Off Campus Access: Authenticate with your MyDenison login.
JSTOR is a digital collection of eBooks and academic journals, which extend back to the first volume published. This digital library is particularly strong in the humanities, but covers all subject areas. The database itself supports data and text mining as well. For additional information, visit the JSTOR Research Guides.
Digital humanities and social sciences books and journals, from university presses and scholarly societies.
Off Campus Access: Authenticate with your MyDenison login.
Subject Areas: General
Project MUSE is an online archive of digital humanities and social sciences content; since 1995, its electronic journal collections have supported a wide array of research needs at academic, public, special, and school libraries worldwide. Project MUSE contains Open Access (OA) content. To see the title list of OA books and journals, click here.
Format: Full Text Journals and eBooks
Database Producer: Johns Hopkins University Press
Please Note: Project MUSE provides access to alumni as well as current members of the Denison community.
Access to literature on the left on a wide variety of subjects, 1982 to present.
Off Campus Access: Authenticate with your MyDenison login.
Subject Areas: Economics, Political Science, Women & Gender Studies, History, Philosophy
Left Index provides access to the diversity of literature on the left. Topics covered include politics, economics, the labor movement, ecology and environment, women's studies, race and ethnicity, social and cultural theory, sociology, art and aesthetics, philosophy, history, education, law, and globalization.
Format: Index to Journal Articles, full text and abstracts Dates of Coverage: 1982 to present Database Producer: National Information Services Corporation (NISC).
Social Theory offers an extensive selection of documents that explore the complexities and interpret the nature of social behavior and organization. It features works by such major theorists as Jean Baudrillard, Simone de Beauvoir, Ulrich Beck, Howard Becker, Nancy Chodorow, mile Durkheim, Michel Foucault, Erving Goffman, Robert Merton, and Talcott Parsons.
Format: Full text books
Update Schedule: Updated quarterly
Database Producer: Alexander Street Press
Full text articles covering Chinese literature, history, and philosophy.
Off Campus Access: Authenticate with your MyDenison login.
Subject Areas: East Asian Studies, International Studies
China Academic Journals, Series F (also known as CAJ and CNKI) is an online collection of full text articles covering literature, history and philosophy.
These articles are pulled from hundreds of Chinese academic journals from 1994 to the present. Many journals in Chinese also include English abstracts.
This database also includes the China Century Journals Project (CCJP), which is an online collection of full text articles from 1915 to 1993.
Please note, Denison does not have subscriptions to all collections in this database. To see available issues, please check this spreadsheet.
Format: Full Text
Dates of Coverage: CAJ (1994 - present) and CCJP (1915-1993)
Update Schedule: Annual
Database Producer: CNKI (China Knowledge Resource Integrated) and East View Information Services
Comprehensive index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion.
Off Campus Access: Authenticate with your MyDenison login.
Subject Areas: Religion, Philosophy, Asian Studies
ATLA Religion Index is the premier index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion.
This comprehensive bibliographic database spans over 50 years.
The database covers the sub-disciplines in the fields of theology and religion, plus religious research in related fields such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, history, medicine, law, and business.
Format: Index to Journal Articles
Dates of Coverage: 1949-
Update Schedule: Monthly
Database Producer: The American Theological Library Association (ATLA) / EBSCOHost
Full text of over 400 British periodicals from the late seventeenth to the early twenty-first century. Topics covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, the social sciences, music, art, drama, archaeology and architecture.
Off Campus Access: Authenticate with your MyDenison login.
Subject Areas: History, English
British Periodicals Collection I provides access to the searchable full text of more than 160 British periodicals from the late seventeenth to the early twentieth century (the same periodicals as are covered in the UMI microfilm collection "Early British Periodicals").
This resource includes millions of high-resolution facsimile page images. Subject areas covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, the fine arts and the social sciences.
British Periodicals Collection II consists of more than 300 journals from the UMI microfilm collections English Literary Periodicals and British Periodicals in the Creative Arts together with additional titles, amounting to almost 3 million pages. Topics covered include literature, music, art, drama, archaeology and architecture.
British Periodicals Collection III extends the scope of the program by focusing on leading publications from the first half of the twentieth century. The titles are from the prestigious stable of illustrated periodicals known as the Great Eight in British periodical publishing history. They are considered to be among the foremost popular periodicals of the period and were highly influential in their mix of news/politics, miscellany, art, photography, literature and comedy/satire, while launching the careers of many leading artists/illustrators of the age.
British Periodicals Collection IV extends the content in Collection III into the 20th century by covering several leading magazines of this period. This collection has particular strengths in the areas of politics, socialism, the Labour Movement, international affairs, the arts, sporting history, humour, illustration, travel and empire topics, and family and teen publications. Included in this collection are the following magazines: The Field (1853-2005), the Tribune (1937-2005), The Highway (1903-1959), War Weekly (1939-1941), Answers to Correspondents (1888-1955), the Humorist (1922-1940), Wide World Magazine (1898-1965), The Marvel (1893-1922), and Top Spot (1958-1960).
The four collections within British Periodicals may be searched alongside content within Periodicals Archive Online and American Periodicals, creating a large cross-searchable database of content from this era.
Format: Full Text Journals Dates of Coverage: 1680s-2000s (Collections I, II, III, & IV) Update Schedule: Completed Database Database Producer: ProQuest
A collection of publications spanning beyond the 20th century (1845-2015) covering Communist, Socialist and Marxist thought, theory and practice.
Off Campus Access: Authenticate with your MyDenison login.
Subjects: History, Political Science, Sociology/Anthropology
ProQuest Leftist Newspapers and periodicals is a collection of English-language publications spanning beyond the 20th century (1845-2015) covering Communist, Socialist and Marxist thought, theory and practice. Issues covered include workers’ rights, organized labor, labor strikes, Nazi atrocities, McCarthyism’s rise after WWII, Civil Rights, and modern-day class struggles which give rise to renewed interest in alternative social organizations. This collection includes 145 titles with over 150,000 digitized pages.
Format: Full Text
Dates of Coverage: 1845 - 2015
Database Distributor: Proquest
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