September 4, 2018 (Tues.), 7:30 PM, Burton D. Morgan Center Lecture Hall 115
Bag Lady Manifesto: #BlackTransLivesMatter
Andrea Jenkins, a poet, writer, activist, and multimedia visual and performance artist, uses her art "to give
agency and dignity to Transgender and Black people all over the world." In 2011, Jenkins won a Bush
Fellowship to work on transgender issues and served as Oral Historian for the Tretter Transgender Oral History
Project at the University of Minnesota. As a member of the Minneapolis City Council, she is also the "first,
openly transgender black woman elected to public office in the U.S." (Washington Post, 11/8/17). Jenkins will
discuss how she uses art, oral history projects, and politics to advance transgender and social justice
September 26, 2018 (Wed.), 7:00 PM, Burton D. Morgan Center Lecture Hall Room 115
The Art & Politics of Feminist and Queer Pornography
Shine Louise Houston is an award-winning feminist pornographer, director, producer, and CEO of Pink & White
Productions ( and PinkLabel.TV). Jiz Lee is a genderqueer (they/them) porn performer,
producer, and editor of Coming Out Like a Porn Star (ThreeL Media, 2015), and is on the Editorial Board of The
Porn Studies Journal (Routledge Press). Dr. Mireille Miller-Young, PhD in History from New York University
and associate professor in the Department of Feminist Studies at UC-Santa Barbara, explores race, gender
and sexuality in visual culture and sex industries in the United States. She is the author of A Taste for Brown
Sugar: Black Women in Pornography (Duke University Press, 2015) and co-editor of The Feminist Porn Book:
The Politics of Producing Pleasure (The Feminist Press, 2013). Houston, Lee, and Miller-Young will discuss
their work in the production, circulation, and reception of feminist and queer pornography.
November 1, 2018 (Thurs.), 7:30 PM, Burton D. Morgan Center Lecture Hall Room 115
(Black) Reconstruction in Aesthetics: Philosophy, Black Panther, and the New Nadir
Paul C. Taylor, PhD in Philosophy from Rutgers University, is the W. Alton Jones Professor of Philosophy at
Vanderbilt University. His books include Black is Beautiful: A Philosophy of Black Aesthetics (Blackwell, 2017),
Race: A Philosophical Introduction (Cambridge, UK: Polity – Blackwell, 2004; 2 nd ed., 2013) and The Routledge
Companion to Philosophy of Race (co-edited with Linda Martín Alcoff and Luvell Anderson, Routledge, 2017).
Taylor works in philosophy of race, aesthetics, pragmatism, and social and political philosophy.
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