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HathiTrust offers two ways of searching their content. A Catalog Search searches a catalog record that lists basic bibliographic information, like title and publisher, as well as information about a book, such as subject terms. A Full-text Search searches the full content of a book, including title, table of contents, the text itself, and any other sections.
Each type of search offers a basic, Google-like keyword search option as well as an advanced search option.
Some general search tips are:
Searching the HathiTrust catalog is similar to searching the Denison Libraries Catalog. The default search option on the HathiTrust homepage is a keyword search for materials in full view. Use the Advanced Full-Text Search or Advanced Catalog Search to search certain fields, such as title, author, publication year, language and original format.
Users must first log into HathiTrust to download content - see "Logging into HathiTrust" for instructions.
HathiTrust offers two options for downloading and saving material: downloading a single page or an entire book. Either option is a simple process. While viewing a book, click on the 'Download this page (PDF)' or 'Download whole book (PDF)' link on the left-hand side of the page.
Downloading a single page prompts the PDF to automatically open in a new tab in your web browser. From there you can save or print the page using the PDF menu.
When downloading an entire book the system may take a moment to generate the PDF. Once it is ready, click on the 'Download PDF' link. You will be prompted to open or to save the file.
Denison users have full-text access and downloading capabilities for those items in the public domain, including:
Denison Libraries, 100 W College, Granville, Ohio 43023 Phone: 740-587-6235, email: In order to view PDF documents, you will need to have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software installed on your computer