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Anthropology & Sociology Guide

Search Ebooks: Summon

Library Catalogs

CONSORT or Summon
Step 1: See if a book or other resource can be found at Denison Library or one of the other Five Colleges of Ohio.

Step 2: See if a book or other resource can be found at any of the other universities in Ohio.

Step 3: See if a book or other resources can be found elsewhere in the U.S. or the world.

Interlibrary Loan (Denison ILL)
For books or resources that cannot be found or obtained through CONSORT or OhioLINK.

Online Book Collections

Some of the books in CONSORT are available online, but you can search for additional ones in these collections:

How to find ethnographies

Are you working on an assignment where you've been asked to find an ethnography? Denison's library catalog (CONSORT) has many such works, but they can be hard to find. This is because they typically aren't labeled as ethnographies in the catalog record.

So how to find ethnographies in CONSORT? One way is to search for a geographical area or group of people you're interested in, and then add "social life and customs" to your search.


In addition, you can search CONSORT for the following book series, which tend to include ethnographies:


  • Anthropology of Contemporary Issues (Cornell University Press)
  • Contemporary Ethnography (University of Pennsylvania Press)
  • Culture, Place and Nature (University of Washington Press)
  • Interpretations of Culture in the New Millennium (University of Illinois Press)
  • Issues of Globalization: Case Studies in Contemporary Anthropology 


See What are the best ways to find ethnographies? for more tips. 

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