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Ancient Greek and Roman Studies Guide

This guide will help you navigate the maze of Ancient Greek and Roman Studies Resources here at the Denison Library and highlight quality resources on the Web.

Library Catalogs - Find Books

  What is CONSORT?

CONSORT is the library catalog for four of the five Ohio Five Libraries, including Denison, College of Wooster, Kenyon, and Ohio Wesleyan.  You can use it to find:

  • Books
  • DVDs & Videos
  • Journal and Periodical Titles (not individual articles)
  • Reserve materials
  • and more...

What's This Number?

Need help making sense of the Call # you found in CONSORT?  or where to find the book in the library? 

Sample Call Number Book Label


Click the link below for more information.



  • Use AND to combine terms & narrow your search
    • example: exile AND Ovid

  • Use OR to search for related terms & expand your search
    • example; poetry OR epic

  • Use * to truncate a word & return all possible endings
    • example: sculptur* (will return sculpture, sculptures, sculptural, etc.)

Browsing for Books

Another option is to browse the STACKS for books.; The following call # areas might be of interest to you:

B 108-708

Philosophy - Ancient

4th floor

BL 700-820

Religions - Classical (Etruscan, Greek, Roman)



CJ 301-763

Numismatics - Greek Coins

CJ 801-1139

Numismatics - Roman Coins

CN 120-760

Inscriptions, Epigraphy

DE 1-100

History of the Greco-Roman World

DF 1-649

History of Greece (Ancient and Medieval)

DG 1-538

History of Italy (Roman Civilization, Culture)

DS 1-289

History of Asia (Near East)

DT 1-383

History of Africa (Egypt and North Africa)

KJA 2-3660    

Roman Law

3rd floor

N 5300-7418

History of Art - Classical Art

NA 270-712

Classical Architecture

NX 503

Classical Tradition in Arts


Greek Language & Literature. Latin Language & Literature

2nd floor

PA 3517-3564

Greek Literature - Criticism & Interpretation

PA  3601-3681

Greek Literature - Translations

PA 3818-4500

Greek Literature - Individual Authors

PA 6141-6144

Latin Literature - Criticism & Interpretation

PA 6155-6191

Latin Literature - Translations

PA 6207-6971

Latin Literature -  Individual Authors

License and Attribution

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Written by, or adapted from, Vanderbilt University Libraries (current as of 9/29/2016). This LibGuides is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You may republish or adapt this guide for educational purposes, as long as proper credit is given. Our recommended credit includes the statement: Written by, or adapted from, Denison University Libraries. If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

Denison Libraries, 100 W College, Granville, Ohio 43023
Phone: 740-587-6235, email:
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